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Does Your Website Need SSL?

Does Your Website Need SSL?

Having helped hundreds of clients and having read everything there is to SSL security I came to a number of conclusions.

  • SSL is not always the right solution. The only clients who needed SSL were the ones that have payment gateways, membership sign-ins and subscription forms. The vast majority of our clients are popular bloggers whose sites do not include gateways for serious threats and thus are not required to have SSL installed.
  • SSL likes to mess with the Social Sharing links. Installing site-wide SSL will convert any links on the site from http:// to https:// meaning that any external parties that have used http URLs from your site will now import https which will give an error as the “s” at the end makes it a whole new URL.
  • Having site-wide SSL is preferred by Google. If you are aiming to achieve high Google ranking it is advised to protect your site with SSL, which will give your site’s reputation a leap over any competitors operating without it.